Ana Sayfa GETAT Siyah Sarımsak Kolesterol Ve Kalp Damar Hastalık Riskini Düşürüyor

Siyah Sarımsak Kolesterol Ve Kalp Damar Hastalık Riskini Düşürüyor

Yeni yapılan bir araştırmada, siyah sarımsak tüketmenin yüksek kolesterolü olan kişilerde kalp damar hastalığı riskini düşürdüğünü ortaya koydu.

İspanyol araştırmacılardan oluşan bir ekip tarafından yapılan çalışmaya göre siyah sarımsak, endotel işlevi ve lipit profilini iyileştirerek bu etkiyi sağlıyor. Araştırmacılar çalışmanın amacını şu sözlerle yorumladı:

“Hipotezimiz, siyah sarımsağın hiperkolesterolemi durumundaki kişilerde lipid profilindeki dengesizliği azaltabileceği ve endotel fonksiyonunu iyileştirebileceği yönündeydi. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmanın amacı siyah sarımsak tüketiminin sağlıklı bireylere kıyasla hiperkolesterolemik yetişkin kişilerde kardiyovasküler fonksiyon belirteçleri üzerindeki etkisini değerlendirmek.”

Effect of Black Garlic Consumption on Endothelial Function and Lipid Profile: A Before-and-After Study in Hypercholesterolemic and Non-Hypercholesterolemic Subjects


Background: Black garlic is obtained from raw garlic (Allium sativum L.), by a fermentation process, under humidity and heat treatment, showing a high concentration of organosulfur compounds, which have been related to benefits in the prevention or delay of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The objective of the research was to evaluate whether long-term consumption of black garlic improves endothelial function and lipid profile in subjects with hypercholesterolemia. Methods: Single center, controlled clinical trial with two branches: Hypercholesterolemia vs. Healthy condition. Sixty-two subjects of both sexes were distributed in two groups, the hypercholesterolemia group (n = 31) (total cholesterol (TC) range 200–300 mg/dL and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol range 135–175 mg/dL) and the healthy group (n = 31). The intervention consisted of the ingestion of 4 cloves of black garlic (12 g) daily for 12 weeks. Results: significant increases in Apolipoprotein (Apo)A1 occurred in both groups: Hypercholesterolemia (Δ 11.8 mg/dL p < 0.001) vs Healthy (Δ 11.1 mg/dL p < 0.001). Besides, significant reductions for endothelial adhesion molecules monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) (Δ −121.5 pg/mL p = 0.007 vs. Δ −56.3 pg/mL p = 0.015), intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) (Δ −39.3 ng/mL p < 0.001 vs. Δ 63.5 ng/mL p < 0.001), and vascular cyto-adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) (Δ −144.4 ng/mL p < 0.001 vs. Δ −83.4 ng/mL p = 0.061) were observed, for hypercholesterolemic and healthy subjects, respectively. Conclusions: These data show that black garlic consumption could improve some parameters related to endothelial function and lipid profile, which may have a favorable impact on the risk of CVDs, although more long-term studies are necessary to confirm.